
The Works of David Clarkson, Volume I is unavailable, but you can change that!

David Clarkson is one of the most prominent Puritan ministers of the seventeenth century, contemporary of John Owen, and John Bunyan. He worked closely with Owen, pastoring Owen’s congregation after his death. He was known for combining sound doctrine with practical application. Clarkson’s sermons and various publications are included in this new three-volume set, as well as his famous work...

that by reason of this sin of our natures we are exposed in our conception, birth, life, to the wrath of God! 3. Another part of this misery is your inability to free yourselves from this sin and wrath. This is evident from hence: those that are born in sins and trespasses are ‘dead in sins and trespasses,’ Eph. 2:1. Till ye be born again, ye are dead. There must be a second birth, else there will be no spiritual life. Every one, since death entered into the world by this sin, is born dead; comes
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